Sunday School
We offer classes for ages ranging from infant to adult. We also have a class for those with special needs.
We have a special night devoted to youth ministry every Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm. We have classes for young children, tweens, teens and young adults. They will participate in classes geared toward establishing a foundation in Biblical knowledge as well as cultivating their relationship with Christ and ministering to others. A meal is also served to the youth on Wednesday nights.
Our Youth also participate in a variety of other activities and mission trips throughout the year.
Prayer Chain
We are blessed with many members who are active in a prayer chain ministry. When THE CHURCH receives prayer requests, they are passed on to this group. They will stand in the gap through prayer and intercession for whatever needs are presented.
Called To Care Ministry
We have a desire to send comfort to those that are hurting. Called to Care is a ministry that is dedicated to those who are receiving cancer treatments. We send out a blessing box that includes things such as a blanket, lotion, prayer cloth and a card.
Senior Food Boxes
We are now a Distribution Site for Tristate Food Bank’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program for Seniors 60+ in Saline County.
Helps Ministry
We have a growing Helps Ministry at THE CHURCH “Of New Beginnings” that serves the Lord in various ways such as maintenance, keeping the church clean and serving meals just to name a few.
Bus Ministry
THE CHURCH “Of New Beginnings” offers bus transportation to our Sunday and Wednesday night services to those in the local area. Call us if you need a ride!